Instagram templates
The free Mojo app offers you to create your own Template for each Instagram post and story. To learn a bit more about Instagram Stories Templates and how to download your designs, read the following article.
Why do you need to be on Instagram?
Today, for businesses and professional influencers, Instagram has become an essential communication and marketing medium. Whatever your industry is, you have to create a page on this social media. Why ? Quite simply because of the number of users on Instagram. Your customers and prospects certainly already have an account on the social network.
Instagram must be integrated into your digital strategy. In fact, a simple post or stories on Instagram can go viral in one day. The virality is such an important concept on the web, you can't just ignore it. The more you post on Instagram, the greater the potential of virality is. These actions also allow you to develop the notoriety of your business or your brand image. In order to achieve your goal, it is essential to learn how to create high-quality posts on Instagram.
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Instagram: how to make the buzz on this social network?
As you know, Instagram is an image-driven social media. As a consequence, the posts you are going to edit must be a photo or a video. Of course, to get maximum likes and many followers, your content must be of excellent quality. This is when our Mojo app Instagram Templates comes in.
The Mojo app allows you to use and customize many Instagram Stories Templates. A template is a design that you can apply to all your Instagram stories of posts. You can download the templates you like the most, and then change the font and the different layouts.
Our Mojo app takes your Instagram Stories to the next level. You will no longer need a professional graphic designer to create your own posts and stories. In fact, our free Mojo app gives you every tool you need to create an Instagram buzz !
Instagram Templates by Mojo app : what is it?
Instagram Templates by the Mojo app is a free tool that allows you to create your own templates that you can apply to every post and story you can. See our entire collection of templates : you will find the design that suits you. Instagram Templates are essential for businesses and influencers who need to create a brand image. Each post can become viral, thanks to a Mojo Template.
How to create successful Instagram Stories and post with Instagram Template by Mojo App
Be consistent in your stories
Combine your Instagram Stories with your Instagram feed posts. Instagram Stories complete each post and give more information to your followers. With Instagram Template by the Mojo app (which is free of charge!), you can create high-quality stories and give even more information.
In other words, Instagram stories made by Instagram Templates by Mojo must provide additional data and be seen as a bonus. Instagrammers will more easily see a story that follows something they saw in their news feed. Also, since an Instagram story is very short, it will give them a better understanding of the message you want to give.
The Colour Palette : create a colourful template for each story and post
To make your stories appear consistent in the eyes of your followers, always use the same colour palette. Select the colours according to your branding, so that users can remember you very easily. Instagram Templates by our free Mojo app allows you to download the perfect template for your story. You can create a design from scratch and apply it to every story you will post. It is necessary to download your Instagram Templates. Thanks to Instagram Templates by the free Mojo app, each of your Instagram Stories is coherent, in accordance with your brand image.
The Filters
Using filters in your stories gives depth to your posts. They'll grab the attention of your followers. As a consequence, they will watch your entire post and engage. These filters are also an opportunity to highlight your products / services and associate them with a positive sentiment.
You can apply to each Instagram Template offered by the free Mojo app the filter you like the most. Then, create a design of your own,
Followers really like to see creative and unique design and template. Interact with your followers who watch your full stories. Pay special attention to those who comment on and interact with your stories. These followers are likely to become ambassadors and tell their community about you.
Feel free to send them private messages thanking them for their commitment. These acknowledgments can be in the form of a short text or an original video. You can get more interactions with your followers by creating a beautiful design. With the Instagram Stories Templates tool by Mojo, you can choose the perfect template according to your brand image.
Regardless of the Instagram post format used (photos or videos), the important thing is to be creative. People who are not comfortable in front of a camera can post Instagram stories as photos and provide original texts using various Instagram tools, such as Instagram Stories Templates. You can choose them according to the weather, season, time of day, or your location.
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